10 wedding room decoration Feng Shui taboo wedding room how to arrange it needs to be studied

10 wedding room decoration Feng Shui taboo wedding room how to arrange it needs to be studied

First, the wedding room bedroom air is unobstructed, so as to avoid new furniture and decoration wood (avoid ebony, black), paint taste harms the respiratory system, affecting the health of the body.

Second, the wedding room bedroom walls and furniture, curtains as much as possible do not use pink will cause people with cerebral neurasthenia, panic, restlessness, easy to lose temper, quarrels are easy to happen.

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Third, the position of the bedroom in the wedding room is best in the sunny direction, such as the light is too dark, it is easy to make the two people feel depressed and depressed.

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Fourth, the color of the bedroom floor of the wedding room should not be too dark, or red, pink, easy to make people grumpy, more mouths. If the carpet, bed linen and curtains in the room are all red, there are more opportunities for girls.

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