Print shop offset printing machine encountered water tank foam problem how to solve

For offset printing, ink balance is a prerequisite for smooth printing. The fountain solution (hereinafter referred to as “water”) is an important factor affecting the normal printing process. It is believed that most captains of offset presses have encountered the problem of water tank foam. If the foam of the tank does not enter the water tank groove of the printing press, it will not affect the normal ink-water balance; but if it enters the bucket tank, it will Seriously affect the normal water transfer roller, resulting in dirty on the layout and other issues, seriously affecting the printing production.

The water circulation system of a printing press is roughly divided into two types. One is an intermediate water tank (ie, a secondary tank), and the other is an intermediate water tank. There are generally large intermediate presses with more than four drives, such as CD-102, SM74 in Heidelberg, Rapida 105, 75, 142, 162 in Kobow, and S40, S29 in Komori. Printers without intermediate tanks are generally small presses with four or less openings, such as Guanhua 452 and Guanghua 650. According to whether there is an intermediate tank or not, the method for eliminating the tank foam is described below.

For presses with intermediate tanks, the water circulation process is when the water from the main tank passes through the inflow motor into the buckets of the printer's various color groups, and then flows back into the intermediate tank through the backwater holes of the buckets, where the intermediate tanks converge. The water is pumped into the main tank through the return water motor to complete the entire water circulation. The main point of the air entering the water circulation system is at the inlet of the backwater motor in the intermediate tank. The pumping motor is intermittently operated. When the water in the intermediate tank converges to a certain height, the backwater motor starts to work and the water in the intermediate tank is pumped. Main water tank; When the water level of the intermediate water tank is lower than the water inlet height of the return water motor, the return water motor stops working. If the return water motor does not stop pumping at this time, the water inlet will suck in air, resulting in air bubbles in the main water tank. Therefore, the fundamental reason for the emergence of water tank air bubbles is that the liquid level control of the intermediate water tank has a problem, and the liquid level is generally controlled by a buoy or a sensor. This can be easily solved by adjusting or replacing the liquid level controller of the intermediate water tank. Water tank foam problem.

For printers without intermediate tanks, the principle of water circulation is not as easy to understand as printers with intermediate tanks. The power of its return water comes from the water inlet motor. The water inlet motor operates continuously. The amount of pumping water is constant. The water is divided into three parts. The first part is the water supply to the buckets of the printer's various color groups; Part of it is used to generate negative pressure to create suction to attract the water in the return pipe back to the tank; the third part is excess water that flows directly back to the tank. When the second part of the water rapidly flows through the water pipe, negative pressure is generated in the opposite direction of the water pipe (the principle is similar to that of the high-pressure gas water gun), and this negative pressure generates suction. The return pipe itself has a certain volume, which is equivalent to an intermediate tank, so when the return water is faster, the water supply in the return pipe is insufficient, and the return water will inhale a certain amount of air, resulting in water tank foam. Therefore, to solve this kind of tank foam problem, we must first reduce backwater and observe the water returned from the backwater until it is reduced to no bubbles in the return water. Then observe whether the water in the printer's bucket groove overflows. If the overflow is reduced, then The amount of water until the water in the bucket is normal so that the tank foam can be eliminated.

The above two methods can basically solve the problem of foam in all the printing machine tanks and hope to help the majority of offset printing captains.

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