Three channels to deal with household disputes

During the peak season of decoration, various disputes are also easy to come. There are problems in the decoration and construction, the quality of the floor is low, and the furniture delivery is not timely. In the face of complicated household disputes, most consumers often do not know what to do. The road to rights protection has therefore become extremely difficult. If you want to resolve home-related disputes quickly and successfully, you must find the right path.

Case 1

Ms. Liu, who lives in Xicheng District, bought a number of laminate flooring at a home store. After the floor was laid, she found that the gap between the panels was large and it was common in the living room and bedroom.

In the face of such problems, the manufacturers did not show a positive attitude. So Ms. Liu reflected the situation to the store. The store customer service staff came to the conclusion that there was a problem with the quality of the floor after surveying the site. The next day, the buyer and the seller were on-site mediation. Finally, Ms. Liu got a satisfactory solution.

Comments: Ms. Liu's rights-protection ideas are clear. When it is impossible to reach an agreement with the manufacturer, the problem will be quickly reflected in the after-sales department of the store. Due to the quality problems of the products, the problems were quickly solved under the promotion of the store.

Case 2

Ms. Li, who lives in Haidian District, purchased a batch of solid wood floor heating in a building materials market outside the East Fifth Ring. After the heating season began, the floor was severely deformed. Because the contract is not standardized, the two parties hold the same word in the sales link, and the seller is unwilling to make compensation. The store is not positive about this attitude. In desperation, Ms. Li contacted the Consumers Association and the Floor Association, but still did not reach an optimal solution.

Comments: Although Ms. Li has contacted the manufacturers and stores, and even asked the association to mediate, but because the building materials market management mode is not binding on the manufacturers, and the brand is not a member of the floor association, not subject to the association, so the final solution Also not satisfactory.

Case 3

Ms. Chen, who lives in Fengtai District, found that after the construction company completed the construction, the telephone in the home could not be used normally due to the line problem, so she contacted the foreman for repair. However, due to unclear responsibilities and cumbersome maintenance, the foreman was somewhat sloppy. In the face of this situation, Ms. Chen still argues with the foreman about the issue of responsibility, and this stalemate has lasted for more than half a month.

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