Faults often seen in print heads of printing equipment

Burning print heads The burning of print heads can generally be summarized as: circuit causes burned, high temperature causes burned, etc. Most piezoelectric print heads are burned because of the former, and most bubble print heads are burned because of the latter.
After the print head is burned, it is generally not recoverable. It can only be scrapped and the print head can be replaced again.
A. The working voltage is too high. The working state of the print head for a long time and high load accelerates the aging of the piezoelectric crystal and occurs mostly on the piezoelectric print head.
B. ESD is too high As mentioned above, the high static electricity of the machine not only affects the printing effect, but also damages the circuit part of the print head. Especially in the case of high electrostatics of the human body, if the direct contact with the print head, it will be easily damaged. Print head circuit part, so not only the printer should have a good and stable grounding, the operator in the case of contact with the machine and the print head, we must do a good job of anti-static measures, such as: with anti-static table.
C, the power "+", "-" pole is anti-Illegal operation, so, in the operation process, we must try to follow the standard operation, especially for the wide-format printer's print head, non special circumstances, do not casually remove and insert To avoid misoperation.
D. Strongly corrosive ink or other liquids on the circuit board of the print head can cause a short circuit, especially solvent ink. During the process of processing the print head, special care should be taken not to stick the ink on the print head data line interface. , otherwise it is easy to cause a short circuit, and then burn the print head.
E, for a long time in the "dry burn" state For most bubble print heads, its working principle is through the internal heating crystal heating, in an instant heated to more than 300 degrees Celsius, the ink droplets are evaporated into a bubble extrusion, follow-up ink drops Timely supplement to ensure continuity of work. In fact, the follow-up ink droplets also have a function of cooling the heat-generating crystals. If there is a lack of ink, the heat-generating crystals cannot be supplemented by the subsequent inks, and they are kept at a high temperature (about 300 degrees Celsius) for a long time. The aging of the heated crystals and the burning of the crystals are commonly referred to as "burning the print heads."
Also, in some cases, since the nozzle surface is blocked and ink droplets cannot be ejected, the heat of heating the crystal cannot be taken away by the ink in a timely manner, so that heat is accumulated around the heated crystal, which also causes a “dry burn” state. Accelerates the aging of the crystal and burns it over a period of time. Of course, there are many reasons for “dry burning”, and the reasons need to be analyzed based on the structure of the printheads of different models, but overall, it can be summarized as the following reasons: leakage, poor ink flowability, acrobatics blocking the printhead filter, The ink is severely crystallized around the nozzle and the ink bag is seriously depleted.
Such as: Novajet machine print head, some domestic printers have a large number of large particles of impurities inside, after the flow of ink will be attached to the filter, blocking the ink (or print head internal and external pressure loss of balance or poor ink flow) can not be added in time Into the small ink chamber, the heated crystal can not get the ink, burning the head for a long time; also, if the ink is severely crystallized on the surface of the print head, it can not be dissipated in time, thus burning the head.
F. Misoperations a. Caused by the collision of the car and the assault on the ground. Causes external shocks to damage the electrical equipment.
b. There are metal impurities and other electrical conductors on the print head circuit board, causing a short circuit and burning the print head. Therefore, take it lightly, gently, and keep the print head properly.
G. Short circuit of the board and data line of the machine. For example, the short circuit of the print head control board, adapter board, and data cable causes burning of the print head. This is not a common situation, but if this happens, most of them will burn off. Or complete printheads.
H. Use of inferior ink Some inferior inks contain corrosive substances, etc., which corrode the components inside the print head and cause burn heads.
I. Frequent replacement of inks using different brands Different brands of inks mix together to produce agglomerates. The print head filter is completely blocked or condensed on the crystal. Over time, the print head is exposed to heavy loads for a long period of time. It shortens its service life and causes "sham-burning." Therefore, it is not possible to change the ink without special circumstances.

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