Carton Packaging Machinery (I)

The development of carton packaging machinery has become clear today.
One, out of single-sided corrugator single-sided machine low grade, can not guarantee the quality of the carton, so we must eliminate.
In the early 1990s, the state issued "quality licenses for export carton packaging" and determined that single-sided performance guarantees the quality of cartons. This was based on actual conditions. As a result, a batch of batch carton factory in order to strive for foreign trade packaging business, spare no effort to purchase single-sided machine. At the beginning, Lake Beijing Light Industrial Machinery Factory just caught up with this train and vigorously developed single-machine production. In the first two years of the 1990s, carton factories across the country flocked to the Jingshan factory in the remote and poor Songhe town, where they competed for purchases every day. The Jingshan factory began to thrive. But in two or three years, it was buzzing and gradually cooled down. why? On the one hand, single-sided machined cartons can't guarantee the quality because the cardboard moisture does not meet the standards, especially in rainy weather, the user must ship the goods within a period of time, and can't pay for the goods. To add a drying device, they wouldn't be able to use it. The profit would run halfway; and the dryer would not be so flexible. Many carton factories began to use it, and later became a pile of scrap iron. On the other hand, the single-sided machine has a low output and cannot meet the needs of the company's development. Some plants entered two single-sided machines in order to increase production, but the output value was still high. At this time - the mid-1990s, China's leading enterprises in carton packaging machinery - Lake Beijing, Guangdong Zhaoqing, Hebei Handan, Beijing Airlines, Zhejiang "Ningbo", Shandong "Yantai", Henan "Aerospace", etc. The "corrugated production line" supply market was successively processed, and a batch of carton factories that had developed on a single-sided machine had used the production line (ordinary) instead of single-sided machines, and the single-sided machines had become complementary to the production line. Some small-size, low-grade, domestic-selling cartons use single-sided machining. Large batches, urgent cargo, foreign trade cartons using the production line processing, a few years later, single-sided machine was completely replaced by the production line.
Now single-sided machines are used in conjunction with stand-alone machines in economically underdeveloped areas. This is not too long, it is estimated that two or three years time.
Second, restricting ordinary production lines Three-layer production lines and ordinary production lines are all low-grade secondary lines, which have low output and poor quality and cannot meet the needs of market development. Therefore, enterprises must develop and ordinary lines must be replaced.
In the mid-1990s, a group of companies developed from single-sided machines to production lines. This was a leap forward. The production line started, but in terms of equipment, it is still at the junior (low) level. Domestically-used production lines have been used for three to five years and the equipment is aging. Before and after the new century, companies in ordinary production lines encountered market changes and changes in the industry. The market change is that the demand of the market has been expanded, and the quality requirement has been higher. Different grades of the production line process different product quality. In order to achieve both high output and high quality, the equipment must be up-graded. At the same time, changes in the industry have started to escalate competition, gradually shifting from chaotic competition to orderly competition, and from single competition to cooperative competition. New competition requires new grade equipment as a means of competition. In the ordinary production line period, large, medium and small enterprises all do their own cartons, and they all play mixed games on the market. Now after they have gone to the high-end production line, they process the cardboard boxes directly to supply users, and also process the cardboard supply to the small factories. The factory processes cartons to users. This is a big change in the industry. What should this change company do? Only on the high-end line, there is a competitive advantage, the replacement of the equipment grades, the potential fierce, on the more. About a year or so later in Nanjing, seven big lines appeared and the ordinary production line companies were far behind.
The number of ordinary production lines is decreasing, while in economically underdeveloped areas, ordinary tile lines are still a treasure, and there is a relatively long period of development. However, after a few years, these backward areas have developed their economies, and ordinary low-grade lines are also Will be replaced by high-grade line, it may also be high-grade line penetration in advanced areas.
Third, the development of post-processing equipment This is another major change in the carton industry, represents the direction of development of carton packaging: carton production into a new period of cooperation in the specialized division of labor. Corrugated board post-processing equipment is an important part of the production of cartons. In economically developed areas, small and medium-sized enterprises will be transformed and strengthened (to be continued)

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