OL is far from the seven problems that Asian health needs to break through

In recent years, sub-health has increasingly become the number one headache for white-collar workers. What causes the white-collar workers to be sub-healthy ? Eating bad food, not taking a nap, etc., are all causes of white-collar health. Do you know why? Today, Xiaobian will solve your problems and give you some small suggestions.
White-collar health is already a social problem. "Before 40 years old, I used my life to change money. After 40 years old, I used money to change my life." In the workplace with fierce competition and complicated interpersonal relationships, the status of "health" has been reduced to a minimum. However, even if you really "replace your life with money", can you really "replace your money with money" in the future?
In fact, this idea is quite inappropriate. Health problems, at all times, are important, neglect! White-collar workers need health care, the first thing to break through is the following "seven questions."
Health care seven "blocking tigers"
1. Too many
consequences for breakfast: Eat too much for breakfast, especially for a big meal full of calories and fat. Some blood that should flow to the brain and muscles turns to the stomach to help digestion. As a result, the brain does not get enough supplements, and it is dizzy and drowsy. The next day will be inefficient.
Tip: Try to eat less and eat fine. Try to eat two eggs and jam toast for breakfast. Studies have shown that this is more energetic in the morning than eating cheese bagels.
2. The consequences of not eating snacks between meals : more than 4 hours between the morning and middle meals, the blood sugar will drop, the energy of the body will be close to “zero point” after consumption, the mood will become irritable, and it will be gorged when eating again. Gastric digestion has an adverse effect.
Tip: Eat small snacks between meals and replenish energy in time. Such as soup, salad or vegetables, not only eat less, but also the mood will be stable.
3. Don't take a nap. Bad consequences: Do not take a nap, which will lead to faster metabolism, increase energy consumption and accelerate aging.
Tip: Try to take a nap, it is best not to exceed 20 minutes, so that you will not be tired. Try to lie on the chair instead of sleeping on the table. After taking a nap, it is best to get up and wash your face, move your body, and drink a cup of hot tea.

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