Spain: New plastic cans are coming soon

According to a report by Spain’s “National Newspaper” recently, at the recent exhibition of the Hispack International Packaging and Canning in Barcelona, ​​a Spanish company’s technology for the production of canned polymer materials has won awards.

The use of new plastic cans can extend the shelf life of foods. For example, canned cream soup has a shelf life of up to one year. Josep Torladas, a Spanish expert at DuPont, pointed out: "This new type of material can cut off the way air, sunlight, moisture or other microorganisms enter the interior of the container."

The promoter of this technology, Ramon Catara, of the Institute of Agrochemicals and Food Technology in Valencia, said: “We have achieved many important results in the laboratory, but only when we enter the actual production stage can we prove this material. Whether it can compete with canned products on the current market.”

Katara also believes that there is no ideal can material. The best material from a hygienic point of view should be glass, but its biggest drawback is its inability to withstand sunlight. Glass cans have problems such as being too heavy, brittle, and difficult to transport, making it difficult to attract users, and many companies are turning their attention to new plastics.

Source: China Packaging Network