3D printing Wanhua puzzle wall, beautiful!

The combination of technology and art will bring surprises to people, and there is no doubt that technology is constantly introducing new types of art. These new forms of art have never been imagined in the past. They are appearing in people's lives in the continuous development of science and technology. All this is attributed to the great progress of science and technology, and suddenly things that were once impossible have suddenly become may. 3D printing technology has played a huge role in it, and science and technology itself can be regarded as a new art form. We have seen a lot of art and art created by companies and individuals using this technology. These are the masterpieces of modern technology and traditional craftsmanship.

At the recent Third World 3D Printing Technology Industry Conference and Expo held in China, many companies and individuals came to showcase their latest and greatest works. One of them is Yili Group, which mainly operates 3D modeling services, 3D printer sales services and special product manufacturing services. Together with Zhong Wen, an associate professor at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, they created a huge interactive 3D printing wall, a wall we have never seen before (see video below).

Link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTI1MzcyMzA5Mg==.html

They call it the “Wanhua Puzzle Wall”, and their 3D printed interactive wall has embedded sensors inside, so it can fully interact with people standing in front of the wall. It uses projection techniques and parametric design to interact with its unique and unique 3D printed textures. When the user is standing in front of it, they are fully capable of controlling the display system with physical movements or other methods, and even weather changes can affect the display system. The wall was designed to showcase nature with technology, and by using 30 MakerBot3D printers, it was incredible to create 1309 individual modules and then assemble them to create China's largest 3D printing wall.

This wall has a wide range of color displays to capture a variety of data from the web and allows users to play some intuitive games. It created a sensational 3D printing Expo for visitors at the show. People lined up to wait for an opportunity to interact with this unique piece of art.

“I feel incredible,” one tourist said at the show. “The 3D printing technology is too powerful!”

This wall not only combines projection technology, parametric design technology with 3D printing technology, but it also involves a lot of design work, such as art, digital technology, digital design, programming logic, and rhythm.

This wall was not designed. In fact, they plan to add more interactivity and intuitiveness in the future by adding additional sensors such as infrared, ultrasound, humidity detection and air pressure.

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