Fundamental new regulations logo storage errors: supermarket organic food know how much

The food safety incidents that have occurred in recent years have led more and more consumers to start buying fresh and natural foods. It is precisely this opportunity that many businesses have begun to introduce higher-priced organic products. Organic products have also become a beautiful category in supermarket products.
At present, in the counters of agricultural products (000061, stocks) of supermarkets and supermarkets, the vegetables bearing the “organic certification” mark are often three or four times or even more than ten times the price of ordinary vegetables.
Due to the high profits, many businesses had taken the risk and tried to put the "organic" concept in a variety of ways. For a time, the market was flooded with various so-called "organic vegetables." However, some of them are from the general agricultural product center after the wholesale, in the supermarket self-labeled on the supermarket, high-priced sales; some are their own "cottage" organic labels to make a mess; what is more, in the organic vegetables doped with ordinary vegetables for sale.
Therefore, in recent years, problems such as non-standard use of organic certification labels and adulteration of organic foods have been exposed frequently, which has also caused the organic product market to face a serious crisis of confidence.
The revised "Regulations for the Implementation of Organic Product Certification" (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules") came into being in this environment and will be fully implemented on July 1, 2012.
Today, the "Regulation" has been implemented for more than a year. Consumers have the sole criterion for judging organic foods by checking whether the food packaging has an organic certification label, and there are certification units on the label, as well as a 17-digit traceability code.
Then, after one year, how are the current situation of organic vegetables sold in major supermarkets? Has the "organic" labeling confusion or shoddy cases still existed? The reporter took a question and visited several supermarkets and some boutique supermarkets in Shanghai.
Identifying Confusion: Or Organic Logos with or Without
According to the new regulations, more standard packaging of organic vegetables should be marked with: "no chemical pesticides, no chemical additives, no artificial colors, no genetically modified ingredients", etc., and affixed with organic certification labels, labels certification units, organic certificate code, but There is no indication of the validity period of the certificate.
The reporter saw at the organic vegetable counter of a boutique supermarket in Jing'an Temple in Shanghai. The conspicuous place contains information on organic certifications of several companies. The vegetables sold are also affixed with certification information and organic traceability codes.
However, these organic vegetables are produced by specific companies. They cannot be easily identified as consumers. The only way is to scrape off the organic code coating and make inquiries online. However, this is not necessarily convenient when shopping.
Do not say that the products of different companies, even organic vegetables produced by a company, sometimes can not distinguish their authenticity.
In the Century Lianhua Supermarket located in the Shanghai Stadium, the vegetable counters have special counters for organic vegetables. A copy of the product is wrapped in plastic film and placed at a glance.
The reporter found that the price of organic vegetables is much higher than ordinary vegetables, and many varieties are several times higher. The staff responsible for the organic vegetable counter said: “Apart from some consumers who have high quality of life and also have economic strength, most people will still choose ordinary vegetables.” It is for price reasons that the reporter saw organic vegetables. There are fewer consumers buying on the counter.
The reporter took a random package of "bulk organic water spinach" from the freezer. In addition to labeling “organic vegetables”, a certification label is also affixed to the corner of the packaging, indicating that the manufacturer of the vegetable is Shanghai Dot Green Agriculture Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Little Green”), and it is also marked with a third party. The name of the organic certification body is “The Nanjing Guohuan Organic Product Certification Center”, as well as relevant national marks and traceable organic codes.
In order to verify the authenticity of this organic code, the reporter then logged into the China Food and Agricultural Products Certification Information System. After entering the organic code, there was indeed authentication information. The certified product name and product name are "hollow vegetables" and the product packaging specification is 250 grams.
However, such fully identified products are only individual. Most of the organic vegetables on the counters are only labelled with the name of the vegetables on the package name. The word “organic” is not clearly labeled. Most vegetables are also not labeled with organic certification on the packaging. The staff in charge of the vegetable counter said, "There are no certified organic vegetables."
The reporter logged on to the official website of another organic product company. All of the above vegetable classifications started with "organic," but some of the vegetables sold by the company's products in supermarkets were not marked as "organic."
In response to this inconsistency, the reporter dialed the company’s phone number as a consumer. The staff of the other party stated whether the company’s vegetables are organic, or whether the products sold at the final sales terminal are affixed with relevant certifications and organic codes. If the vegetables are labeled with organic certification, they must be organic vegetables, and there is no label "can only be said to be pollution-free vegetables," but the price is also more expensive than ordinary vegetables.
New regulations to promote rectification: Inconsistent with the basic products of the product
In fact, organic products in the strict sense must be inspected from the source of production to the purchase of consumers. That is, if a consumer buys a box of organic vegetables from the supermarket, he should be able to find out Box of vegetables from the supermarket, to the transport, to the production company, all the information in the series of links to the field. No information or regulatory interruption at any one link should appear.
The above situation means that if the consumer does not look closely at the label, it is simply looking at the price and location of the label, and it is very easy to buy “organic” vegetables placed in a counter as organic vegetables.
Next to these vegetables, there are often other products that are equally beautifully packaged and have a higher price than ordinary vegetables. It seems that they hope to pick up the "organic vegetables" thighs. Although there is no organic code label on the packaging of these vegetables, a string of traceability codes is printed on the packaging, and consumers may mistake it for organic vegetables and pay for it.
The reporter interviewed several consumers who were choosing organic vegetables at random in front of the supermarket's organic vegetable counters. They found that they did not have too many requirements for organic certification. They believed that there should be no problem as long as they were labeled vegetables. , Under normal circumstances will not carefully review the relevant certification information, not to check the organic code.
From the price point of view, there is no paste of organic certification code of vegetables, the price is as high as certified vegetables, such as 28 yuan a kilogram of carrots, 53 yuan a kilogram of broccoli.
In a boutique supermarket in Shanghai, the reporter also found that the label of the spinach was only marked with the word “organic”. Most vegetables only indicated the name of the vegetable, but the price was still high.
It is worth noting that the same vegetable varieties will have different selling prices. For example, the official website of the reporter's log-in point revealed that the price of online organic retail of 36 yuan per kilogram of organic water spinach was 44 yuan per kilogram at the above-mentioned boutique supermarket.
The little green staff said that the sales price of the supermarket terminal must be higher than the company's purchase price, but the final sales price is determined by the terminal channel according to its own situation, and is not controlled by the production company.
However, it is gratifying to note that despite the misunderstandings in the labeling of organic vegetables sold in the above supermarkets, the overall sales of organic vegetables at the supermarket terminal in Shanghai are basically in compliance with the "Rules for Implementing Organic Product Certification."
Among the supermarkets visited by reporters, there were no vegetables that had not obtained organic product certification but were marked with “organic products” or “organically converted products” on product packaging and labels.
It is the so-called "most stringent new rules" that was introduced last year that played a major role in the supervision of organic vegetables. A lot of production companies that are not qualified but are locked out of the door of organic vegetables.
A supermarket worker told reporters that supermarkets had previously sold many products marked with organic words but were actually ordinary vegetables. However, since the “Regulations” were introduced, products that did not meet the requirements had been taken off the shelves and were able to be sold. Must be a product with relevant certification information.
However, people in the industry pointed out that what supermarkets can do is strictly enforce the relevant provisions of the “Regulations.” For the healthy development of the entire organic product market, it also needs the joint efforts of the regulatory authorities, the company itself, and various testing agencies. .

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