Dazzling packaging achievements direct marketing charm (4)

Float, hard to accomplish

Many people feel that the direct sales industry is not practical, unstable, and insecure. The feeling of direct sellers is unrealistic, ambiguous, and unrealistic. Why direct sales and direct marketing industries give such impressions and opinions? What? There are several reasons why I personally would have caused this misunderstanding:

1. Overemphasis on the acquisition of materials. The real business is more concerned with the steps and methods of achieving the dream than on creating dreams. In the tradition, we all know that money can be earned in my pocket. It belongs to oneself and the dream is realized by actual actions;

2, not everyone will focus on his focus on the material, because everyone spends money will have their own philosophy of spending money, the pursuit of material acquisition, or use of material acquisition to represent success, this concept is too One-sided, and can not allow the majority of people's identity;

3. People nowadays are more and more sensible. If they only use material to communicate with people, it is difficult to have strong convincing force. It may be because at this point, many people have been deceived by others. The industry’s deceitful example of loss, everyone is also more cautious;

4. In the past few years during the development of the direct selling business, there have been too many direct sellers who have over-inflated themselves to do something that exceeds their abilities. As a result, they have left too many cases of debt and they are on their guard;

5. For most people, in their conservative concept of spending money, the behavior of many direct sellers, especially their spending philosophy, is a way of excessive waste and excessive luxury, which makes it unacceptable;

6. Many people have great dreams in the direct selling industry. However, few people can come up with the steps and methods for detailed planning. Therefore, unrealistic views will fall on the direct sellers.

7, too many times are used to cite others to obtain a case of material want to prove successful, but in fact the acquisition of material does not necessarily be able to represent success, because it only means that he purchased the same high consumption of goods only;

8. At present, you may not be enough to make people think that you are a person with a successful condition. Maybe we don’t need to care about other people’s opinions. But when your big dream comes out, it really makes people feel that there is a gap between them. Convincing;

9, success must be detailed planning and preparation, many people may often put success on their lips, and put more time on their lips than actual action to pursue success, the result is ridiculous;

10. The time when your goal is set to succeed is too short. It is completely inconsistent with the time needed to establish a business. Of course, it cannot be convinced that in such a short time, one can make one successful and become rich;

11. Are you seeking success or are you seeking material acquisition? Many people have confused success with material acquisition. If the definition of success is unclear, how can it be successful?

12. Success is derived from a great ideal and goal. Success is not achieved simply because of material needs. The material dream is the easiest to be abandoned.

13, too exaggerated language, for the time, process, the results obtained are too exaggerated, it makes people doubt.

These are some of the factors that have caused social misconduct for the pyramid sellers. Thinking about these causes, we should be able to find the direction of change. If people are skeptical about these spurious behaviors, should we allow these? Does the behavior disappear or is it adjusted? Our customers come from this society. How can we conduct our recommendations and retail sales in a way that they can accept? If we say a bunch of languages ​​that are just unacceptable, what are the intentions of these words? What we are engaged in is a business. What attitudes should the business have and how should it be communicated? Direct marketing is a good business. How to correctly convey the correct concept of direct marketing. These are places where we must make efforts. Material inducement is definitely not a successful approach!

(Chen Yusheng)

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