Pulp and Papermaking and China's Forestry

Abstract: Forestry and paper industry are two industries that are interdependent. The paper industry must rely on forestry in order to thrive, and forestry also needs to be oriented towards the paper industry in order to "price increase." However, for a long time, China's papermaking industry has used alfalfa as its main raw material, which not only caused serious environmental pollution, but also led to the shortage of paper grades and high-grade paper with wood pulp as raw materials in China. It must rely on imports, and at the same time due to the lack of papermaking for wood. Demand stimulation has slowed China's forestry development. Due to the fact that under the traditional planning system, deforestation and invocations were issued by the national plan, and the price of trees was low, it was not enough to compensate for the renewal of the forest. On the one hand, the state-owned forest enterprises suffered large-scale losses, the level of employees’ income was low, and wages were owed wages. On the other hand, the forest resources for a living were almost exhausted.
First, the pulp structure and the status quo of forestry Wherever the paper industry is developed, there is a well-developed forestry foundation. The paper industry survives due to forestry, and forestry develops due to the paper industry. According to international statistics, wood in developed countries accounts for more than 90% of the raw materials for pulp fibers. On the other hand, the paper industry is the largest user of forestry. According to the statistics of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1989, Finland used 19.5 million cubic meters of wood for paper making, which accounted for 45.8% of the total output of logs. Sweden used 25.9 million cubic meters of paper for wood, accounting for 48.5%, Canada had 40.6 million cubic meters, and the United States had 130 million. Cubic meters account for 21.2% and 25.3% of the log output of the two countries respectively, while the logs used in the papermaking industry in China are about 9 million cubic meters, accounting for only 3% of the total output of logs. China's paper industry uses non-wood fiber as the main raw material, and the proportion of wood pulp in pulp is very low. This has caused serious consequences. One of the consequences is severe environmental pollution. The second consequence is that the supply of paper grades and high-grade paper with wood pulp as the main raw material falls short of demand and must be imported. The third consequence is the lack of strategic investors and the lack of demand for wood for papermaking, which has led to a slow development of forestry in China. According to the 4th (1989-1993) Forest Resources Survey, China (excluding Taiwan Province) has 260 million hectares of existing forest land, which is equivalent to 25% of China's land area, which is much higher than the area of ​​cultivated land. However, there are only 1.29 hectares of forest land in the existing forestry land, while the area of ​​barren hills and waste land in Yilin is 0.63 million hectares, with a total of 48 million hectares of woodland and shrub land. In the 129 million hectares of forested land, the forest reserves amounted to 9.31 billion cubic meters, which means that the average stock volume per hectare of forest is 72.4 cubic meters, which is equivalent to 61.4% of the world average.
Second, China's forestry system and efficiency 1. Forest property rights and geographical distribution China's forest land is divided into state-owned forests and collective forests. From the perspective of forest land area, collective forest land accounts for about 60%, and state-owned forest land accounts for about 40%. As state-owned forestry owns natural forests, it accounts for 74% of forest reserves, while collective forests account for only 26%.
The distribution of forestry is roughly: the six provinces in the northeast and southwest (black, Kyrgyzstan, Inner Mongolia, Sichuan, Yunnan, and Tibet) have the vast majority of natural forest resources in China. The forest area accounts for 47.8% of the country, while the growing stock accounted for 70.5%. . The forestry resources in these areas are mainly owned by the state-owned forestry authorities. In the 10 provinces and regions in the south, collective forests are the mainstay. Although they account for only 36.3% of the country's forest land area and 17% of the growing stock, their forestry land accounts for 57% of the forest land, and the greening area is higher than many other provinces. Area.
2. Inefficient forestry In recent years, China's forest area has expanded and the forest coverage rate has increased from 12% in 1985 to 13.4% in 1996. However, China still faces the crisis of forest resources. The outstanding performance is that the average stock volume per unit area continues. As a result, the average stock per hectare of forests in the country fell from 83.44 cubic meters in the second inventory (1977-1981) to 75.05 cubic meters in the fourth inventory (1989-1993). Another manifestation of the crisis in forest resources is the significant reduction in mature and overmature forests. The forestry department divided the forests of different ages into five grades: young, middle-aged, near-maturing, mature and over-ripened. However, the stocks of mature and over-mature forests in China continue to decline sharply.
3. Reasons Under the traditional planning system, deforestation and invocation were issued by the national plan. The low price of forest is not enough to compensate for the renewal of the forest. With the large-scale deforestation of rural areas in 1958 when steel was mined and in 1983, the forest resources in our country could not make ends meet.
First, the state-owned forestry sector depends on “cutting trees” for a living. State-owned forestry occupies most of China's high-quality natural forest resources. However, the area of ​​forestable forest in state-owned forests nationwide fell from the 12 million m2 at the beginning of the People's Republic of China to 5.6 million m2 in the early 1990s, a decrease of 53%, and the forest reserves decreased from 2 billion m3 to 470 million m3, a decrease of 77%. More than 80% of the State-owned Forestry Bureau's follow-up resources will soon be discontinued, and it will enter the embarrassing situation without Lin Ke. These forest areas were originally sparsely populated. After the establishment of the state-owned forest farms, the population rapidly expanded. Now the population of the forest area has reached 5 million, including 1.5 million workers. Employees want income, young people need employment, and the population in the forest area needs to live. The geographical location of the forest area is remote, and the processing industry is mostly capital-intensive and the state does not invest enough. Therefore, eating the old book of natural resources, cutting down trees is still the main source of income for the forest farm.

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