Parents should pay attention to the safety of baby toys

Parents should pay attention to the safety of baby toys

Novice mom and dad, it is easy to focus on the entertainment and education of toys, and is attracted by the novelty functions of various fresh toys. However, given the physical and mental characteristics of infants and young children, you should not only pay attention to the development of children’s attention by playing with toys. Observing power, creativity, and thin movements should also pay attention to the safety of toys.

Because infants and young children like to put things into their mouths and suck, and they like to play, knock, throw, and hit items, so when choosing toys for infants and toddlers, you should pay attention to:

· Toys should not be made of materials that are easily broken, such as thin glass, crisp plastic sheets, etc., and should be strong materials;

· Toys and paints should be non-toxic to prevent children from sucking and biting;

· Toys should not have sharp corners or stab sticking, or sharp mouths to avoid stab wounds and cuts;

· Toys should not be too small (and should not be easily disassembled into small parts). It is best that the whole toy is larger than the child's mouth, because infants like to put the toy in the mouth, which is prone to break into the trachea or swallow the esophagus; At the same time, it is also necessary to prevent infants and young children from playing buttons, plastic balls, etc., to prevent accidents from being inserted into the nostrils and ear holes;

· Toys should not be decorated with long ropes or straps. In case of carelessness, infants and young children can easily be wound around their limbs and neck when they play alone, causing accidents such as limb necrosis and suffocation;

· In addition, the toy should be easy to clean, disinfect, and expose to prevent the germs from passing through the hands and mouth to cause illness.

In short, as long as you are more careful and concerned when choosing a toy for your baby, your baby can have more security when playing, and new parents can naturally feel more at ease.

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