Shuguang Information Industry Regional Education Cloud Solution

User Name: Beijing Dongcheng District Education Committee

User needs:

Over the years, under the leadership and promotion of the Dongcheng Education Commission, Dongcheng Education Information Construction has made great achievements, and a large number of representative regional applications have been built, and many benchmark schools for education and informationization have emerged. However, with the continuous deepening of information education in Dongcheng, the existing IT system gradually exposed various problems. For example, the two education networks in the north and south of the jurisdiction were independently constructed, and the resources were not integrated and shared; the historical data was rich, but it was not fully utilized. Data value; the importance of data is gradually improved, but there is a lack of protection measures; there are many types of IT equipment, but it is impossible to achieve unified management and other issues. How to solve such problems has become the focus of the current Dongcheng education informatization construction.

The project is based on the application of education business, using cloud computing, virtualization, big data and other technologies to build two core nodes in the south and north by cloud partitioning, logically integrating two cloud partitions to achieve a unified education cloud in Dongcheng District. Meet the needs of the development of education information in Dongcheng District.

Core application products:

Cloudview cloud computing operating system, I840-G20 four-way high-performance server, DS900 dual-active disk array, etc.

Technical solutions:

The overall planning and design of the program adopts advanced and mature technical routes such as cloud computing and big data. Through the basic virtualization means, the network, storage and computing resources form an integrated resource pool, providing virtual servers, replacing the physical servers of the education committee and the schools to provide computing resources for each business system, and realize flexible management and resources of the infrastructure. On-demand allocation to improve overall resource utilization efficiency and service level, the hierarchical structure of the integrated education cloud service platform is shown below:

Graph-cloud platform hierarchy

The cloud platform consists of a storage subsystem, a server subsystem, a cloud management subsystem, and a network subsystem. In this project, two cloud partitions will be built, namely, the node cloud partition of the Southern District Information Center and the node cloud partition of the North District Information Center. The node cloud partition of the Southern District Information Center will serve as the management and operation center of the entire Dongcheng District Education Cloud, and the North District Information Center node. The cloud zoning has the same effect as the Southern District in accordance with the “three-site and two-center” strategy generally followed by data center construction. The project construction involves different levels of planning, design and implementation of cloud infrastructure, cloud resources and cloud services. The cloud partition construction involved in the project mainly covers the following contents:

Platform construction level: mainly includes the construction of Dongcheng District education cloud computing platform, including computing resource pool construction, database system construction, storage resource pool construction, unified cloud resource management platform construction, desktop cloud system construction, network resource pool construction, security sub- System construction, data backup system construction and cloud infrastructure construction, through the construction of the above subsystems to provide a stable, reliable, highly available and scalable support platform for the relevant business applications of Dongcheng District Education, to achieve cloud computing IaaS level services;

At the PaaS level, the cloud platform of the project construction should be compatible with platform-level software such as mainstream operating systems, middleware and databases. According to actual needs, resources should be integrated to integrate relevant operating systems, business middleware and databases to realize Dongcheng District Education Cloud. PaaS level service;

At the business application level, it is necessary to realize the migration of the existing business application system to the cloud computing platform, and the new business system in the future should be easily deployed on the new cloud platform.


The project integrates the user's current situation and actual needs, and adopts the most advanced and mature distributed cloud management, virtualization, unified storage, disaster recovery backup, big data and other technologies to help users by integrating the existing hardware and software and data resources of the Dongcheng Education Commission. The transition from traditional independent IT architecture to integrated cloud service platform has been realized. Realized the "four comprehensive" breakthroughs in Dongcheng education:

(1) Fully implement intensive management to help users change from loose physical resource management to centralized virtual resource management, and easily realize flexible allocation, pricing, scheduling and recycling of various resources, which greatly saves resource maintenance costs and comprehensively Improve operation and maintenance, management capabilities and service satisfaction;

(2) Comprehensively improve data integration and disaster recovery capabilities, realize unified planning and construction of storage resources, unified storage, and unified indexing, and ensure redundancy of important data in combination with storage double-active technology;

(3) Fully entering the era of big data, realizing the value mining of historical application data and current new data, providing reliable data support for upper decision-making;

(4) Fully activate regional education innovation, realize unified planning, construction and distribution of resources, promote continuous innovation, form a benign innovation and high-quality resource sharing system, and accelerate the process of information application construction in the region.

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